How the Dog Found Himself a New Master

Before we get into the story, lets first understand is dog and wolf are same?

Wolf lives in the forest. So Wolf are called Wild Wolf. when man brought Wolf to city and he start domesticated it, Wolf become friendly to men and changes its characteristics for Human. Man named it Dog. So Dog and Wolf's parents are same. As Human domesticated Wolf and named it as Dog, both were considered as different. 

                                      Wild Wolf means wolf which lives in forest

😊Now lets get into the story😊

A wild Wolf lived in a forest independently. It used to find its food and survive at forest without help of human and so they do not worry about food. As they smaller in size and were less powerful, they were affraid of other animals. Wolves are physicall strong and so they have strong muscle with which they can hunt and fight.

Wolves are Brave and are not afraid of anything.

Wolves have strong sense of smell. when they find something dangerous they used to hide themselves in a safe place

Wolves are not friendly in nature and are dangerous.

After many years some Wolves did not liked to live alone. these Wolfs were not afraid of powerful and large size animals. They were worried about whether they would find enough food to eat. Due to these reasons they started looking for a powerful master who could take care of them and they could live safe and comfortable life. So they started to travel on a trip to find their master. Due to this reason they were called Dogs.

On the way of their journey one of the Dog met a Wild Wolf. As Wild Wolf was very strong and brave, Dog felt scare and nervous. Wild Wolf asked Dog where are you going? Dog replied I am looking for a powerful Master to serve. Would you like to be my Master, Wolf? Wolf said "Sure why not!". So Dog and Wild Wolf decided to stay together as close friends.

While walking together, Wolf suddenly stopped walking and raised his nose in the air and sniffed around carefully. Wolf quickly hided itself bushier areas(area where trees and plants grows closer together).

The dog was surprised by this sudden change in behavior. He didn't understand why the wolf had stopped and moved away so quietly.Dog asked the Wolf " What's the matter? why did you get scared and run away?". The wolf told the dog, "Look! There's a bear nearby(not too far from where they are). It's dangerous because the bear might try to attack and eat both of us.

The dog saw that the bear was stronger than the wolf. Because of this, the dog decided to leave the wolf and join the bear instead. The dog asked the bear if he could be his new master, and the bear agreed to this right away. 

Then, the bear proposed that they look for a group of cows. Bear planned to hunt and kill one of the cows so that both of them could eat as much as they needed. They both saw a group of cows. But before they could get close to the cows, Cows heard a loud and scary noise and so they started mooing loudly and running away in different directions, Cows looked very frightened.

Bear climbed above a tree and saw a lion in the forest. Bear become scared of lion and went back to dog and told that "This part of forest is ruled by the lion" 

Dog asked Bear "Who's the lion?". The bear explained, "Don't you know? The lion is the strongest animal on earth!". Upon hearing this, the dog decided, "Well then, I'll say goodbye to you, bear. I want a master who is stronger than anyone else on earth!"

After deciding to leave the bear, the dog went to the lion and asked to be his servant. The lion agreed, and from then on, the dog stayed with the lion and served him for a very long time. The dog enjoyed this new life because it was good and comfortable. He had no complaints because the lion was the strongest animal in the forest. Because of this, no other animal dared( are brave enough) to harm the dog or treat him badly in any way.

One day, the lion and the dog were walking together along a path that passed between steep(narrow passage) consisting of rocky cliffs both sides. All of a sudden, the lion stopped walking. Lion felt something nearby was a threat and wanted to warn it away and so it
 roared loudly and hit the ground hard to show it are strong and scare away things that might be dangerous. As lion hit the ground hard, there was a hole created on the ground. Then, quietly, the lion started moving backward.

Rocky cliff means- It refers to walls of rock which lion and dog are seeing from a land surface and which is not straight and smooth and is structured up and down. 

Surprised, the dog asked, "What's wrong, Master? Is something happening?". The lion replied, "I smell a human coming this way. We should run away quickly, or we might get into trouble."

The dog decided, "Well then, I'll leave you, Lion. I want a master who is stronger than anyone else on earth!" So, the dog left and joined a man. He stayed with the man and served him faithfully. This happened a long time ago, but even now, dogs are known as humans' most loyal companions and it don't serve anyone else.

Summary of the story

In short, the dog's journey from the wild to living with humans shows how it search safety and has become human's most loyal friend over time.

Moral of the story

The story shows that animals, like dogs, look for safety and comfort with strong leaders. It also highlights how dogs are loyal to their masters, showing a strong bond between humans and dogs.

