Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Kite- By Harry Behn

 Lets understand this poem line by line

How bright on the blue
Is a kite when it’s new!

This poem talks about how beautiful a kite looks when it's flying high in the sky and how sad it looks when it's stuck in a tree. When the kite is flying freely, it moves smoothly with the wind like a ship sailing on the sea. But when its string has become caught in the branches of a tree, it looks torn and can't fly freely anymore.

During day time,  kites flying in the sky looks very bright and colorful. Just imagine a kite that is brightly colored with shades like red, blue, or yellow. 

With a dive and a dip
It snaps its tail
Then soars like a ship
With only a sail

Dive means to move downwards
Dip means to move up and down
Soars means to Fly smoothly
Snap refers to sharp noise made by kite when it moves through the air  

Kite move downward, move up and down like a bird.The tail of the kite, which is the part that hangs down and often has a ribbon or strings attached to it, can make a snapping sound as the kite moves through the air. This snapping sound is like a quick, sharp noise.

When wind blows in the air, boat sails across the water smoothly and follows the direction where the wind pushes it. In the same way, when you fly a kite, the wind moves it through the air.

As over tides
Of wind it rides,
Climbs to the crest
Of a gust and pulls,

Gust means strong wind
Waves formed in ocean are of different sizes. Similarly strength of the wind in the sky is also different.Author compares the movement of ship in different waves size with the movement of kite in the sky with different wind strength.Strong wind will push ship forward or sideways. sailor adjust the angle of sails(verticle pole) to move ship in the desired location. Similarly kite stay in sky due to wind.
When there is a strong wind in the sky, the kite gets lifted higher into the sky. When we fly a kite, it stays in the air because the wind blows against it. The kite has parts, like its wings, that catch the wind. These parts are shaped in a way that when the wind blows against them, they create a force called lift. This lift is what keeps the kite up in the sky.

Then seems to rest
As wind falls.

When a strong wind stops blowing, the kite slows down and seems to rest in the air. This happens because the wind is no longer pushing the kite as strongly as before. As a result, the kite may float more gently and smoothly in the air, moving more slowly compared to when the wind was stronger. Imagine how a feather might float down slowly when there's just a light breeze, compared to how it might flutter quickly when the wind is strong.

When string goes slack
You wind it back
And run until
A new breeze blows
And its wings fill
And up it goes!

Slack means loose
All the strings of kites is connected to spool. If strings of kite is loose, kite might start coming down because it's not catching enough wind to stay up. to fix this we must tight the string by rolling the loose string onto the spool.If wind slow down, kite will come down. so wait for next strong wind. once strong wind starts, you start gently running with the kite so that part of kite will catch the wind. In this way, we can keep the kite flying high and enjoy watching it float in the sky!

But a raggeder thing
You never will see
When it flaps on a string
In the top of a tree.

Raggeder thing means something which is torned or looks in poor condition.

The kite gets stuck at the top of a tall tree. It's not flying freely in the sky anymore. Instead, it got stuck in the branches. Even though kite is not flying freely, the wind can still blow through the tree's branches. This wind causes the kite to move back and forth or up and down slightly. This movement is what the poem refers to as "flapping."

This part of the poem shows the contrast between the joy of flying a kite and the sadness when it gets trapped and can't fly as it should.


The poem "The Kite" talks about flying a kite. At first, it shows how bright and colorful a new kite looks in the blue sky. It compares the kite's movements to a ship sailing on the ocean, smoothly gliding and sometimes pulled by strong winds. When the wind slows down, the kite seems to rest. If the string gets loose or the wind changes, you can wind the string back and fly the kite again. However, if the kite gets stuck in a tree, it looks sad and worn out because it can't fly freely anymore.


1. List out the action words in the poem are: dive,dip, snaps, soars, rides, climbs, pulls, rests, falls, goes, blows, flaps and wind (used as a verb: "wind it back")

2. Read these lines from the poem: Then soars like a ship With only a sail. The movement of the tailless kite is compared to a ship with a sail. This is called a simile. Can you suggest what or who the following actions may be compared to?
He runs like a ________
He eats like a_________
She sings like a________
It shines like a_________
It flies like an_________

Simile is a creative way of comparing 2 different things using the words "like" or "as."

He runs like a cheetah.(here we compares someone's running speed to a cheetah's spee)
He eats like a pig.
She sings like a nightingale. (here we compares someone's singing to the beautiful singing of a nightingale.)
It shines like a diamond.
It flies like an eagle.

The Kite - by Harry Behn
How bright on the blue
Is a kite when it’s new!
With a dive and a dip
It snaps its tail
Then soars like a ship
With only a sail
As over tides
Of wind it rides,
Climbs to the crest
Of a gust and pulls,
Then seems to rest
As wind falls.
When string goes slack
You wind it back
And run until
A new breeze blows
And its wings fill
And up it goes!
How bright on the blue
Is a kite when it’s new!
But a raggeder thing
You never will see
When it flaps on a string
In the top of a tree.