Thursday, June 13, 2024

A House A home- A poem by Lorraine M. Halli

What is a house? What is a home?
It’s brick and stone
and wood that’s hard.
Some window glass
and perhaps a yard.
It’s eaves and chimneys
and tile floors
and stucco and roof
and lots of doors.
It’s loving and family
and doing for others.
It’s brothers and sisters
and fathers and mothers.
It’s unselfish acts
and kindly sharing
and showing your loved ones
you’re always caring.

Explanation of poem

What is a house?

  • It is just a building where people can live. It has following parts:
    • Bricks, stone, wood- they are used to build the walls
    • window glass- It is used to make windows
    • Yard- Outdoor area around the house is called yard
    • Eaves, Chimneys and tile floor
      • Eaves- Edge of the roof is called Eaves. It help keep rainwater away from the walls and foundation of the house
      • Chimneys- It refers to a big pipe or tube connected to fireplace. Fireplace is a structure made of 3 different parts:firebox, Mantel and hearth. firewood is placed inside firebox and we light it, Mantel helps to hold decoration like pictures or candles. Hearth refers to floor area made of noninflammable material(stone or tile) in the front of fireplace. Chimney helps to release smoke and gas produced by fire and thereby allowing fresh air to enter the room.

    • Stucco- It refers to a type of plaster used for walls 
    • Doors- House consist of Many doors
    • Roof-structure which covers the top of the house

What is a Home?

  • Home is a place filled with love, family and helping each other
  • It includes family members like Father, Mother, Brothers and sisters etc. They all live together as a family
  • Unselfish act- In it, people do kind things without expecting anything in return and share with each other.
  • Caring- It means to help others and make them feel good and happy. So Home is a place where we show love and help our family. 



House vs Home which makes us more comfortable, safe and happiest?

  • Home. 

What is the meaning of proverb "There is no place like Home"?

  • Imagine you have been on a very long journey. Even if you stayed in a nice hotel, you will still feel the happiest and the most comfortable feeling when you reach back your own home. This is because the home carries special feeling that no other place can match.
  • So there is no place like Home.

What is the meaning of proverb "Charity begins at home"?

  • It means we must be kind and help our own family before helping others. 
  • This proverb suggests that taking care of your family is the first step to being a good and kind person.

Fill in the blanks

  1. He lives in a rented House (A house is a building where people live. Since it’s rented, it refers to the physical structure.)
  2. Rana worked in Singapore for five years. Then he returned home.(Home refers to the place where Rana feels a sense of belonging and comfort, likely where his family is)
  3. Home is where the heart is.(home is a place where you feel loved and safe, not just a physical space)
  4. The red house in front of us belongs to Mr Lal.(here house refers to the physical building that is owned by Mr. Lal)

What is the difference between house and home?  

House Home
A house is made of bricks, wood, and other materials. It has walls, a roof, doors, and windows. A home is made by love, care, and the relationships between family members. It has laughter, support, and shared memories.
So a house is just a building made of materials, while a home is where people care for each other and share emotions.

complete the following sentence

  1. My house is a strong building with walls made of bricks, a roof covered with tiles that keeps us dry, doors that invite guests inside, and big windows that let sunlight come in.
  2. The best thing about my home is the comfortable feeling of family gatherings, where we eat together, laugh, help each other during difficult times, and make special memories together.